Will UN Mogadishu meeting bear fruits?

Mogadishu (Keydmedia) - Since the outbreak of Somali conflict in 1991, the international has been trying to bring together the warring factions in the country in a bid to achieve peace and stability.
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Will UN Mogadishu meeting bear fruits?

Almost most of these meetings failed because of insincerity and deep mistrust among the Somali society.

One of the factors that contributes to the failure of Somali peace talks is “blind ambition” that creates more animosity instead of curing the clan disease that is killing the country.

Between 1991 and 1993 when the first Somalia talks were held in Djibouti and Ethiopia, some warlords dared to reject other clans to attend the meetings, just because they are not important clans in the country’s clan political structure.

Among the groups that the warlords wanted to be out of the meeting were the Bantu and Banaadiri clans.

In 2000 the Somali clans gathered in Djibouti and made the historic crime of branding some clans as “half or useless clans”. This means that the so called major clans are deciding the fate of other clans in the country without any legal mandate or even considering the humanity.

Still the mistake of Djibouti is applied to all other Somali political structure.

It’s obvious that Somalia will remain with chaos and instability if justice is not applied in the peace process.

Look even in the power sharing formula the so called major clans have brought people from their clans and put them by force in the “others” clans.

I wonder that the international community and other stake-holders in Somalia crisis still do not understand the problem of this country and how to resolve its crisis.

It’s again the so called major clans who are dominating the UN sponsored meeting in Mogadishu, where they are going to decide the fate of other people who are not allowed to be given their rights of representation in the national matters.

For example Wagosha people were massacred during the civil war and before that they faced apartheid and discrimination in their country. How come Wagosha will trust the so called major clans to decide their fate, while some of them are the ones who subjected the Wagosha into massacre, apartheid and all sorts of atrocities?

We still think that the way out from this mess will be using force and fight against anyone who is still dreaming of colonising innocent people in their country.

Wagosha people would like to see the international community addressing the Somalia issue with all inclusive formula and protect the rights of everyone in this country.

Without justice, we do not think that Somalia will ever restore peace, and I urge Wagosha youth to be ready for armed struggle to liberate their land from the warmongers and criminals who want to take their land by force.

Drs Fatuma Lamungu

Wagoshanews.com ONLINE NEWSPAPER

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