Villa Somalia denied troops in Eritrea involved in Tigray conflict

He added that the troops are alive and they are returning to their country as soon as possible. This news shined the faces of the parents who have been demanding the return of their sons missing for three years.

News Keydmedia Online
Villa Somalia denied troops in Eritrea involved in Tigray conflict

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The spokesperson of the Presidency Abdikarim Ali Kaar briefed the media on the trips made by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to Turkey, Eritrea, Kenya, and Djibouti.

Kaar, speaking on the military recruits sent to Eritrea for training between 2019 and 2020, said that the soldiers had never participated in the war in the Tigray conflict.

He added that the troops are alive and they are returning to their country as soon as possible. This news shined the faces of the parents who have been demanding the return of their sons missing for three years.

On the other hand, the Spokesperson denied for the first time reports that Eritrea is holding hostages the Somali soldiers estimated 5000 for ransom money since they trained in its camps.

The former president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, sent the forces to Eritrea for training secretly without the knowledge of the parents. They were lured with fake job opportunities in Qatar.

Farmajo's regime also rejected the claims that the cadets were involved in the Tigray war. At his last minute in office, Farmajo said he handed over the file of 5000 soldiers to Mohamud.

The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, traveled to Eritrea on July 9, 2022, and visited the soldiers at the camps where they are held against their will, according to the sources.


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