A disheartening episode: Gunmen commit Sexual violence against an IDP girl in Somalia

Kismayu (Keydmedia) - Armed groups armed with pistols have on late last night committed a shocking event in a camp living hundreds of Internally displaced people IDPs in the ports town of Kismayu, 500 Km south of Mogadishu, Keydmedia reports.
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Keydmedia English News correspondent in Kismayu says he traveled on Tuesday morning at the camp to observe the event. He met with several IDPs who told him that Faduma Marey Ali, an 18-year-old girl was raped overnight by masked gunmen and armed with pistols after the girl refused their demand.

“I’m one of these IDPs living in the camp at Farjo village in Kismayu town. I saw my own eyes last night armed gangs grabbing the young girl from her shelter then she was raped after declined to the require  of the men who asked her to marry forcibly, and they shot her on the leg” a witness told Keydmedia English News correspondent.

Sheik Hassan Yacqub, a senior Al-shabab rebel commander told reporters in Kismayu that they are hunting down the perpetrators behind the rape of the 18-year old innocent and IDP girl.

News reports say that the assailants are thought to be Al-shabab membersin the stronghold town of Kismayu. Residents expressed concern and fear about the shocking event against the young girl

Keydmedia.net - Kismayu, Somalia

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